Sunday, November 14, 2010
God makes Adam and Eve
This lesson was really fun for me!
Intro Question: What are some things that people have made for you?
We started the lesson talking about things that other people have made for us. I told the kids about the beautiful bedspread and matching curtains that my Mum made for me once. We talked about how making something for someone can show that you love them.
Today we're going to learn about the things that God made that show us he loves us.
I showed the place in the Bible where the story comes from. One of the kids wanted to read it aloud so I had him read the first verse (Genesis 1:1). We talked about God making day and night, and trees and plants, animals, birds and sea creatures, and how these were all good things that God made for Adam to enjoy. God gave Adam jobs to do - to take care of the garden (we talked about what that might look like), and to name all the animals. God then made Eve, a companion for Adam.
Pastoral note: After telling the story, even though they're just six, I thought it was important to talk about why the kids might not hear this story at school. I told the kids that they will meet people who don't believe the same as what they believe, and that they won't always believe what other people believe. But that they can know what they believe, and even why we believe it.
Pray, thanking God for all the good things he made for us
Snack: "Adam and Eve food" - nuts, berries, fruit - because Adam and Eve couldn't just go to the supermarket and buy their food ;)
Craft/Activity: Garden of Eden Diorama
Using an old box, we made our very own garden of Eden. I gave the kids a variety of materials to choose from - playdoh, construction paper, felt. They were so excited to make things for the garden, they wanted to make sure we could keep it in the classroom for them to see next time.
2 clothes pegs (Adam & Eve)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
David brings back the Ark to Jerusalem
Our story this morning was about David bringing the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6). I had the boys carry the "ark" in a relay for our active game, a shoe box on some pool noodles. They loved it!
Story time tips
I'm always looking for new ways to keep kids engaged during story time. Right now we have mostly boys, age 4 - 8. Keeping five energetic little boys still for five seconds sometimes feels like an insurmountable task and it can make story time a bit of a challenge. Here are some things I have found to work:
- Introduce the story by asking a question related to the kids' daily lives. Kids love to answer questions when they know the answer, and this will serve to engage your most energetic kids because they will for sure be first to put up their hand! You can then make a direct transition from this question into telling the story.
- Know the story well enough to not need to read it. This helps to keep eye contact with the kids and allows your hands to be free to make gestures or use props, etc.
- Use props! Even something simple can help direct kids' attention and imagination toward the story.
- Exaggerate the tone of your voice, and act the part as you go. This really draws in the kids and keeps them entertained. Don't be afraid to look a bit silly either!
- A simple map drawn on a chalk board can help with stories that involve characters going to and from different places. It makes it more concrete when you can point to Jerusalem, and show the path the characters walked from A to B.
- Encourage questions and comments during the story because it shows the kids are engaged.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Road to Emmaus
Age Group: 5-8yrs
Story: "On the road to Emmaus"
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
Opening activity: Uncover Jesus' name
Prep (5 min):
Prep (5 min):
Prep (10 min):
Prep (5 min):
Story: "On the road to Emmaus"
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
Opening activity: Uncover Jesus' name
Prep (5 min):
- Write the name "Jesus" in big letters on some card
- Cover with post-it notes
- Put stickers under some of the post-its to add excitement
- Children remove post-its one at a time to discover what is written on the card beneath.
- Transition to story-time: Today we're going to find out how two friends discovered Jesus, just like you discovered what was written on the card.
Prep (5 min):
- Draw a line "map" on some card, or a whiteboard, showing a line "road" from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Draw a cross at Jerusalem to show where Jesus died.
- Have a slice of bread ready to share with the kids.
- Read Luke 24:13-35
- Remind the children of the setting of the story, remind them what they learned at Easter, which will explain why the two friends were so sad.
- Show children on the map where the two friends were walking.
- Take the opportunity to tell the children that just like Jesus rose from the dead, we will too!
- At the point in the story where Jesus breaks bread, bring out a slice of bread and break off pieces to give to the kids. Ask them if they've been in church for communion before, where people take a piece of bread and some juice to remember Jesus. Explain to them that this was something special that Jesus did. At the last supper, Jesus broke bread and said, "Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you." So when the two friends saw Jesus break the bread they finally realized it was Jesus who was with them!
- Tell how Jesus disappeared - show them where it says that in the Bible, if they're not convinced. And tell of how the friends ran all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples they had seen Jesus!
Prep (10 min):
- Check with parents about any allergies to honey or peanuts
- Gather ingredients: Powdered milk, whole oats, honey, peanut butter.
- Print out recipe (link here).
- Assemble ingredients, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, measuring cup at the craft table.
- Children wash their hands.
- Have children help you read the recipe and measure ingredients.
- Mix well, and shape into balls.
- Serve with milk.
- Share with neighboring classes, just as Jesus shared food with his friends in the story.
Prep (5 min):
- Write a sign on some card with JERUSALEM and some crosses on one side, and EMMAUS on the other side, large enough to see from a distance.
- Place a sign with each place name on either end of the room.
- One person holds the sign, showing one side and then another.
- Children run in whichever direction the sign tells them to, either to Jerusalem or Emmaus.